Introduction to

Welcome to the SalesForce for HelpDesk documentation. This integration allows you to connect your HelpDesk account with your Salesforce CRM. It is a powerful tool that can help you automate your business processes and make life easier for you, your co-workers and employees. Our application offers the same set of features for both LiveChat and HelpDesk products. Please make sure to look into the pre-recorded demo below to see how it works.
AI Chat Analysis / Extraction is now Available !!
Generate summaries, perform sentiment analysis or extract any parameters available in the ticket content with our new AI Extraction Feature.
Let's discuss how we can help you automate your business processes and make life easier for you, your co-workers and employees.
Thank you for being interested in our product. We know that every company has vastly different needs and uses Salesforce differently. Therefore we have done our best to make this integration as versatile as possible. You have the ability to configure any SalesForce object and populate it with any value available at HelpDesk. You can also freely automate object creation and access detailed logs.
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- HIPAA and GDPR Support
- All SalesForce object and fields supported
- Automatic field prepopulation
- Advanced Object Referencing including auto-matching of parent objects
- Multiple SalesForce accounts supported (including Sandbox)
- Access Management (limit access to specific HelpDesk agents)
- Support for all HelpDesk data fields
- Automatically Create Objects on Chat Ended
We would love to hear out your feature requests!
Contact us at